Product Design: Nescafe Dolce Gusto Coffee Machine

Nescafe Dolce Gusto Oblo Machine by Krups
with my labels and original quick start user manual
Currently, I work for a company where the coffee options are:
  1. Free instant coffee (does this even count?)
  2. Bring Your Own Beans Coffee Machine
After a year of complaining, I decided that my parting gift for my beloved app team, would be to try  improve the office environment a smidge by chipping in with my dev manager to purchase a pod style coffee machine. I took advantage of a deal on the Nescafe Dolce Gusto Oblo from Krups and eagerly unboxed it to set it up for my team.
I encountered a UX nightmare. Nothing on the machine is labeled or clear what it does. The “Get Me Started” quick start manual is a mess where the numbers are not even in order and it overly complicates what isn’t a complex system. So, I deviated from my normal digital UX design role and tried on the cap of a product designer of physical goods.
I added some labels to the machine and made my own “User Manual” instruction quick sheet:
Marie’s Nescafe Dolce Gusto Oblo Machine User Manual
What do you think? See any additional room for improvement or clarification?